I am an architect with 40 years of experience in New York, Connecticut and Chicago. After 28 years as architect, part owner and principal in the Chicago office of Wheeler Kearns Architects, I had the unique opportunity to move to Tokyo. I continue to maintain a residence in Chicago and occasionally consult with Wheeler Kearns Architects in Chicago as well as pursue other projects on my own. Besides architecture, I have interests in furniture design, photography and a life long love and appreciation for learning and the making of all things.
Born and raised in Louisville Kentucky, I became a registered architect in the state of New York and currently maintain registration in Illinois, with NCARB and LEEP AP accreditation, and a member of the American Institute of Architects. Past work experience includes Kliment & Halsband Architects in New York City, Agrest & Gandelsonas Architects in New York City, Robert Orr Associates in New Haven Connecticut, and John Meunier Architect in Cincinnati Ohio among a variety of other formative internships in Louisville, Baltimore, Chicago and New York.
I have been a visiting architecture critic on numerous occasions at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and the Illinois Institute of Technology, a key team member on several AIA award winning projects, and a key member of the Wheeler Kearns Architects AIA Chicago Firm of the Year Award in 1996 and in 2016. I currently serve as AIA Japan 2024 Secretary.
University of Cincinnati Bachelor of Architecture 1983
Yale University School of Art and Architecture Master of Architecture II 1990